Payment may either be by credit card at the time of the initial online filing, or by a certified check, cashier's check, law firm check, corporate check or money order payable to the "Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners" in the appropriate amount by the applicable deadline(s). Personal checks will not be accepted, nor will any application be accepted until all fees are paid. Refer to the specific Pennsylvania Bar Admission Rule (Pa.B.A.R.) to determine which rule you qualify under and, the appropriate application and fee(s) that you must submit. Fees payable to the Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners may be combined and submitted during online filing for credit card payment or subsequently in one check. There are no refunds or transfers of applications and/or fees.
Effective April 1, 2024, the online-payment convenience fee charged by Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System will change from a $2.75 flat fee per transaction to a 2.75% fee based on the total cost of each transaction.